Welcome to our store!
最高に愛おしい「Самый сварливый кот в мире = 世界一不機嫌な猫」グッズ。
マヌルネコが大好きな人が作る、マヌルネコを愛する人々のためのオリジナルイラストグッズ「Gloomy king」の公式オンラインショップです。

The "Самый сварливый кот в мире = Grumpiest Cat in the World" merchandise features original illustrations created for those who love Pallas's cats.
This is the official online shop of "Gloomy King." We offer the adorable expressions and unique charm of Pallas's cats with a touch of humor. Discover items that will add a little joy to your daily life with Pallas's cats!
We are excited to offer international shipping for our products.
If you have any questions or need assistance with your order, please feel free to contact us!